最近因為國外客戶要來訪,引起本小組的一陣恐慌,因為不僅僅是要作Presentation,還要與這位嘉賓共進晚餐。所以本小組三人決定即日起進行「English Only」的政策,來惡補我們的英文實力。(咦..那我現在在寫什麼阿...)
Karen: "What did you eat at breakfast today?"
Phoebe: "I ate nothing."
Cathy: "I ate toast."
Karen: "Just toast? I ate sandwitch, so I had a butterfly in my stomach."
Phoebe: "Really? So beautiful!"
Karen: "We can talk about the movie 'Brokeback Mountain' on that day."
Phoebe: "Cathy, have you seen the movie?"
Cathy: "No..not yet. And you?"
Phoebe & Karen: "We went to this movie together."
Phoebe: "Karen, can I borrow your...喀喀?"(搭配手勢,「釘書機」)
Karen: "Oh..."
Karen: "Stapler?"
Phoebe: "Yes, can I borrow your stapler?"
Karen: "Ya, you're welcome"
Phoebe: "Thank you"
Doris: "麻煩貴小組就這樣一直持續到下午阿!"
Phoebe:「喔...Good morning, Angel..」
Phoebe:「OK..Good afternoon, Angel...」
Angel:「Can I chat with you in English?」
Phoebe只好硬著頭皮說:「Ok...It's my pleasure...」
so you have to wirte your blog in English, too!!!!!!
回覆刪除so, you have to wirte your blog in English, too
回覆刪除Sorry for two same messages
回覆刪除so you totally left 3 messages for this article...
回覆刪除Dear bibo, I believe you will please your clients. Don't worry, be happy and relaxed. Talk something about sports or the city he/she lives; I think that will be better than brokeback mountain. I guess non of my classmates went to see this movie before I forced them to do so.
回覆刪除Dear bibo, I believe you will please your clients. Don't worry, be happy and relaxed. Talk something about sports or the city he/she lives; I think that will be better than brokeback mountain. I guess non of my classmates went to see this movie before I forced them to do so.
回覆刪除Dear bibo, I believe you will please your clients. Don't worry, be happy and relaxed. Talk something about sports or the city he/she lives; I think that will be better than brokeback mountain. I guess non of my classmates went to see this movie before I forced them to do so.
回覆刪除OK!! Thank you for your information,
回覆刪除I will remember it!
American don't like Brokeback Mountain?
Actually, we asked Elizabeth about this.
回覆刪除She said that a lot of American don't like the movie in a fact.
I am so curious about the reason.
But I didn't ask her.
this may be relating to everyone's ideology...
maybe I have to use more words to discuss...